We are living in difficult and restrictive times, however, the safety of every person that enters the building is paramount. We have put the following measures in place to prevent anybody contracting Covid-19. We have a few requests of you to adhere to during your time in our Centre and would really appreciate your utmost cooperation.
First of all, a little information regarding Covid-19
Symptoms of COVID-19
It can take up to 14 days for symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) to appear. They can be similar to the symptoms of cold and flu.
Common symptoms of coronavirus include:
a cough - this can be any kind of cough, not just dry
shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
How does COVID-19 spread?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spread in sneeze or cough droplets.
You could get the virus if you:
come into close contact with someone who has the virus and is coughing or sneezing
touch surfaces that someone who has the virus has coughed or sneezed on and bring your unwashed hands to your face (eyes, nose or mouth)
How long the virus can survive on surfaces
Common household disinfectants will kill the virus on surfaces. Clean the surface first and then use a disinfectant.
Coronavirus can survive for:
up to 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel
less than 4 hours on copper
less than 24 hours on cardboard
Safety Measures in place throughout the Centre
Clean your hands
Use soap and water or alcohol hand rub to clean your hands regularly.
Hand Hygiene
Hand soap - please follow instructions on posters in toilets
Hand sanitiser dispensers located outside the training room and at every entry and exit points - please use these each time your enter the room
Please wash your hands or use hand sanitiser, in particular:
after coughing and sneezing,
before and after eating,
if in contact with someone who is displaying any COVID-19 symptoms,
before having a cigarette or vaping,
when hands are dirty,
after toilet use.
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.
Please do not share objects that touch your mouth, for example, bottles or cups.
Tissues and bins are provided within the rooms for participants to dispose of their tissues and disinfectant wipes
If you notice that e.g. hand sanitiser, wipes etc. have be used up or inadequate supply remaining so that your Tutor can replenish immediately
Stationary Provided
Please use your pen provided for the duration of the day. At the end of the day, you have the option of taking your pen home or disposing it in the bin provided.
Please do not chew, bring pens/pencils close to your nose or mouth or place pens/pencils behind your ear. Note: Dry paper poses no risk
Respiratory Etiquette
We are providing masks, although, it is not mandatory to wear the mask, we would ask that you do and at end of course, either take home or dispose in bins provided
Please cover your nose or mouth by using disposable tissues when coughing or sneezing.
Should tissues not be available when sneezing, please cover your nose with your elbow area.
Please dispose of your used tissues in assigned bins after use
Please instigate hand hygiene protocols after contact with respiratory secretions
One-Way System
When you are leaving the premises, please exit via the patio doors to the rear of the room. The route is outlined by the arrows on the floor.
When entering the premises, please enter the same way that you did this morning. (This is via the front entrance lobby.)
To prevent any person walking close to anybody, please proceed one at a time to the exit. Only leave your chair once the last person has left the room.
Toilets Breaks
One person to use toilets at any time, to eliminate queue at toilets. Persons can wait outside the building (in dry weather), and proceed via the one-way system when the last person exits the toilet. The 3 toilets can be used, as it is one person at a time.
Re-Entry after Breaks
After entering from outside and using the sanitiser, please observe the floor marking and one-way system which will ensure that all persons are adhering to the social distancing protocol.
Social Distancing
Please comply with our 2 metre social distancing rule as per floor markings and signs throughout the Centre.
Please try to stay a minimum of 2 metres from the person in front of you.
Please do not shake hands.
Cleaning Schedule
This room has been cleaned and disinfected before this course and will again today once everybody has left the room. Our Cleaner has completed a 'Covid-19 Cleaning and Disinfection Course'. In addition, you can clean your table with wipes/products provided if you wish.
Tea Breaks
No tea and refreshments will be provided. Attendees have been informed to bring your own food.
Should we have a suspected case of Covid-19
The course will be suspended. Attendees will be sent home, and informed of the arrangements for future delivery by their supervisor as soon as practical. Attendees will be directed to stay 2m from the suspected case.
I will coordinate the symptomatic participant to leave the room and maintain social distancing.
The symptomatic participant will be guided to the isolation room and given a mask, tissues etc.
I will assess whether the participant can be directed to go home and call their doctor.
Should the participant have to wait on transport, they can stay in the isolation room within the centre until they leave.
When leaving the building
Again to comply with Social Distancing, please leave in single file, 2 metres apart
In the instance of non-compliance with any of the above, the attendee will be asked to leave. If they refuse, the course will be suspended, and all attendees will be instructed to return to their workplace / contact their supervisor.